How to Make a Photography Website - Templates

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How to Make a Photography Website January 22, 2019

If you are an ambitious and experienced photographer, a decent website is one of the benefits that distinguishes you from a novice amateur.
You can easily spot a perfect photographer’s website: it is super eye-catchy and fascinating, and you can spend hours on it! The secret is in the correct presentation of high-quality content.

If the site is created correctly, your customers will be able to find what they need in a couple of clicks. And if you have managed to correctly convey the right emotions, your customer will definitely choose you as a photographer for his project!

Read on how to make a photography website that your customers will love!

The style of your website

If you are an expert photographer, your website should look expensive, elegant and presentable. It is quite easy to achieve this goal if your website has an individual style.

If you are not sure about the color scheme, it is better to choose light colors – they visually expand the space of the site pages and make the website look luxurious. Moreover, color and black and white photos on such a background will look more impressive.

Your portfolio

According to statistics, the most interesting website section for visitors is the gallery. It has to be comfortable and fascinating. You should group your pictures into categories: “wedding”, “family,” children’s “, “advertising”, etc. It is advised not to make photo galleries to upload automatically: people prefer to choose photos on their own. And some of them will experience a problem with slow loading.

The best option is a spectacular photo on the main page and a simple menu. Remember that the quality is better than quantity: it is better to choose 5-10 high-quality and creative works, than 20 meaningless photos of poor quality. You should understand that the customer does not need to see all of your photos. If he likes your best works, he will contact you.

«About me» section

“About Me” and “Contacts” sections can tell the customer about your work history and achievements, as well as provide comprehensive contact information: be sure that your customers will appreciate that! It is a good idea to leave your contact information on each page of the website or make a link to the separate contact info section clearly visible.

Write a little about yourself, tell your potential customers how you decided to become a photographer, how long have you been doing this. Many of your clients may be interested in what technique you use.

Your services

Be sure to create a website page with information about all your services. It is good if your services will be described in details so that the visitor will be able to immediately understand, what he will receive if he chooses the certain type of shooting.

In the description of the services provided, you can include the cost of the service, the order policy and payment terms, as well as the time it takes to fulfill the certain order. It is important to bring current information about discounts and promotions, new services or unique offers.

Shooting planning calendar

A calendar that indicates which dates are already occupied and which ones are still available is a great idea: it gives the opportunity to save time both for you and your customers!

Website navigation

Navigation is important for any website, and it is better to arrange all the key elements in a noticeable block. The visitor should also clearly understand which page and which part of the website he is on.

Social networks

Well, if you have an account on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, place the links to these pages on your website to increase your online presence and generate more leads.

“Ask a Question” section

The client is always pleased to see that his questions are ready to be answered, regardless of whether he chooses you as a photographer or not!

Your authority

You can integrate a blog on your website: it will serve as a platform for sharing experience and skills, as well as keep the site in high positions in search engines. It is also necessary to update the portfolio at least once every three months so that the site does not look abandoned.

Contacting customers

It is a good idea to place the registration form on your website to provide your customers with a personal space for viewing photos.

If you want to make your own photography website FOR FREE – do it with AI website builder!

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