Accepting Online Payments – How to Improve the User Experience - Templates

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Accepting Online Payments – How to Improve the User Experience August 23, 2017

Are you someone who is concerned about giving your debit card and credit card details online? With the high-security online payment options offered by companies which host events or receive donations or accept payment invoices, making an online payment should no longer be a thing of concern. Previously you had to reach the office of the intended company and stand in queue, invest your precious time in making monthly payments for services but now things have become easier and convenient.


If you’re a company which accepts online payments for the services that you offer, you should make sure you provide the best user experience to your customers so that they keep returning to your site and also refer it to others. You could be even increasing your revenue if you could capture more sales due to online payments. Here are few ways in which you can improve the user experience of online payment pages.

  • A single page for payment

Customers usually can’t tolerate a slow site, especially when they’re opening it on their smartphones and other hand-held devices. If you see that the process of payment is either longer or slower due to redirection to another site, customers might fail to make payments. 45% customers blame a site for failure to complete the payment process on extremely slow loading sites and 38% blame it on the never-ending payment process. Hence, you should try your best to select a single payment page to help customers.

  • Ask them to fill out only the most necessary information

You may engage in gathering any amount of details which are required to process an order but if you wish to simplify the procedure, just mark the essential fields and leave out the non-essential ones. If the information that you want has to be entered in a way, provide an example.

  • Pre-fill details to avoid repetition

Customers usually get annoyed when they have to enter the same information twice, especially when they’ve just entered it before. Don’t ask for the information again and irritate the client. In case your final payment page is on a different site where the customer has to again fill in the same details, try to pre-fill the form so that the customer doesn’t have to do it again.

  • Display progress while the payment is being done

Customers often get impatient when the payment is finally being processed. You should therefore make it clear for them to know where exactly they’re standing in the payment process. Set a progress bar at the top of the page and show stages so that the customer knows how long it will take to complete it.

  • CTAs should be clear and bold

If it’s a perfect CTA, it should be bold and clear in a different color and placed at the right place. Ensure that your customers know the next step so that they don’t just waste time in thinking what to do next.

So, whichever strategy you want to use for your e-payment page, you should test it so that your customers may get the best user experience. Follow the strategies mentioned above to design the best online payment page.


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