Should you get a master’s degree in web development? As is the case with many tech careers, many people think of web development as something that you primarily learn on the job. However, there are a number of good reasons to attend graduate school in this field that best website development experts know.
Change of Career
If you want to move into web development from another career and you need a formal qualification, a master’s might be the way to go if you have some experience in web development but you studied something else as an undergraduate. This can also be an excellent way to start making the connections you need. You might want to talk to the schools you are interested in about your background and what they advise in regards to your further education. You may not be interested in another bachelor’s degree, but you should make sure you have the groundwork you need to pursue a master’s degree.
The Money is There
Is your company offering to pay for your education? You might wonder what you have to lose, but be sure to read the fine print. Many companies will require you to work for them for a certain amount of time if they pay for a portion of your education, so you need to be comfortable making this commitment. However, this is not the only way to acquire the needed funds to pay for your graduate degree. Just as was the case in your undergraduate years, you may be eligible for scholarships and grants, and you can also take out a combination of federal and private student loans. One difference from your experience as an undergraduate is that you might be eligible for better rates if you have been out of school for a while and have built up a solid credit score.
Opportunities for Advancement
In some companies, you need a master’s degree if you want a job in management. You might also be paid a higher salary than others who are at the same level as you if you have an advanced degree. With graduate study, you could also make the shift into academia if this interests you instead of continuing to work in the private sector.
While you can get an MBA online, some people discourage this because they say that one of the main benefits of an MBA is the connections that you make through in-person classes. One advantage of studying web development is that it can be an excellent degree to get from a distance. If you have family responsibilities and a demanding job, you might still be able to get into a prestigious program and attend part-time, working around your own schedule.
Research Specialties
In some cases, you might have both a bachelor’s and work experience in web development, but you still have never really worked on the type of projects or in the capacity that you hoped. If there is a particular area of web development that interests you, going back to school can give you an opportunity to pursue it in depth.