5 Great Topics Every College Student Should Blog About - Templates

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5 Great Topics Every College Student Should Blog About August 20, 2020

College students have a lot to think about and do while they are in school. It’s not just about the dorms, the high costs of college, studying for classes and partying on the weekend… it’s also about making sure they have memories and moments that last a lifetime. This is even true in the age of Covid, when both colleges and students aren’t sure about what’s on the horizon.

For times like these, it’s an ideal situation for college students to consider starting a blog of their own. Blogging is fun, easy and super low cost to get started.

Great Topics for Student Bloggers Looking to Blog

With all of this in mind, here are some of the best discussions and topics any and every college student could be blogging about while on or off campus.

1 – How to Deal with College Costs and Student Debt

When you think of the college experience, many things come into mind. For students, it’s all about getting the opportunity to finally explore the world on their own and probably partying it up on the weekend. For parents, it’s all about the high costs and accumulated debt that often comes with college.

Soon enough, after graduating, many students will realize the true cost of their college experience once the private student loan options are to be paid off when their continued education is up. It’s during these times that students often learn about the true costs of accrued interest, loan payoffs and credit card management — all of which are topics that students don’t really think about when first heading into college.

For this reason and more, the idea of blogging about the associated costs of college and student debt is something that can be of value for students of all ages and levels or learning.

2 – Campus Events, Parties and Secret Food Locations

Just like how every high school and college is different, so are the things students do, where they go to each and the fun unique things about each of them. For incoming freshmen and students looking to choose between a select group of schools, this type of information can provide some great guidance.

For existing students at a college campus, having a blog that covers all of this information could be of great value and almost like a resource guide for new students coming in. Everything works – from mentioning a reliable platform like EssayHub where pros write essays for money to the fanciest places for partying near campus. Heck, if a blog was to become popular enough, some local businesses and restaurants would likely give you some free stuff for exposure or reviews on the blog!

3 – College Life in the Age of Covid

The college experience is definitely different this time around, than it has been in previous years. With Covid now a global pandemic and talking point every second of the day, the idea of kids going back to school and heading off to college is now more of a question and debate, versus a sure thing.

With this in mind and so many people focusing on this topic, it’s an ideal discussion for student bloggers as well. After all, they are likely living through the experience, so why not live blog it at the same time?

4 – Education and Networking Tips for Success

College isn’t just about the experience of getting out in the world and having a good time on campus, it’s also about making new friends, connections and contact that can last a lifetime. These same relationships can help shape your life as well.

A perfect example of this is the potential connections amongst professors and experts on campus. No matter what professional career you are going after, there are plenty of professionals with a ton of expertise likely already in that college and campus area.

To make your way through college and not leave with a ton of new relationships and professional contacts would just be a complete waste of your time. In reference to how this could be a great talking point for a student blog, it’s important to share this information with others and to also let them know how to make that first connection and stand out from the crowd.

5 – College Takeaways and Advice for the Next Generation

In order to have the best college experience possible, it’s important to have a planned out method for success and not just wing everything as you go along. For students that are already in school and going through this process, this is another great talking point for those looking to start a blog and share their advice and expertise with others.

With a new round of thousands of students graduating and coming into the schools every year, this type of information would potentially provide valuable information to millions of students across the country. The information would also be the same and of value, as new students are going to be walking through that same experience you went through as well.

College Blogs are a Win-Win for All Audiences

When looking at education in the world today, it’s safe to say it’s not going anywhere. However, it’s also safe to say that the way students attend college, classes and sign up for school loans and financing may change. With a global pandemic in place, there is no telling how things may change in the future… but the one thing we can all agree on, is that students will be there to blog about their journey and share it with others.

If the idea of creating a student blog was something you’ve been thinking about, there’s no better time to get started than right now. Best of all, even if you are no longer a student, it’s not too late. Blogging is for everyone, and the most important thing to do, is to just get started!

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