4 Ways B2B Companies Are Using Technology to Create Brand Exposure - Templates

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4 Ways B2B Companies Are Using Technology to Create Brand Exposure October 17, 2016

Whether you’re supplying products or services to other businesses, as a B2B provider you know that business owners and entrepreneurs have a way of sharing the latest and greatest tools like wildfire. Even though you’re not targeting the consumer market, brand exposure helps the staff and owners of other businesses become aware of who you are and what you have to offer. With that said, here are 4 things the big B2B brands are doing to become recited names in the industry:


1. Custom Apps and Interfaces

Smart B2B companies develop applications that streamline and simplify tasks for their clients. Even if you can’t think of how an app might be useful in your scenario, creating a basic administrative interface for your clients can go a long way in strengthening internal branding and creating a more authoritative online environment. Listing your app in directories like the iPhone App Store or Google Play Store is another great way to use your app to gain extra brand exposure.

2. Social Media Marketing

Nowadays being active on social media is a must if you want your brand to reach its full potential. Any brand that has absolutely no social profile is not only hurting its brand awareness, it might also be hurting the authority of its official website, since search engines use social signals to help determine how well a site or page ranks in search results. Building a diverse following of business owners and entrepreneurs within the social sphere is a great way to start spreading exposure exponentially.

3. PPC Advertising and Banner Ads

Another way to get your name out there is to use a PPC advertising services like Google AdWords, which would cause your landing pages to appear alongside organic search results for the terms/keywords you’ve selected for your campaign. Even if the click-through rate is low and the PPC/contextual advertisements aren’t your biggest converter, it’s wise to keep them going to continue putting your brand name out there since familiarity is often the first factor that leads consider.

4. Company Websites and SEO

Finally, every B2B company should have an official website that has been built with search engine optimization in mind.  They should strive to have their site gain authority in the search engine result pages (SERPs) by posting informative and useful content tailored to the interests and needs of prospective and existing clients. Go to your website and ask yourself “would this homepage convince me to do business with this company?” When the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes” you’ll be on your way to building a well-known brand.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

Ideally, you try to operate in a sector or niche that doesn’t have much competition. However, expecting any field to stay without competition for long in today’s world is unrealistic. Whether you know it or not, there’s another company out there that is targeting the same prospects, and if there isn’t yet, there will be soon. The best way to make sure you’re prepared to stand out from the crowd is to utilise all of the channels mentioned above and any other ways you can think of to diversify brand presence.

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