The market is crowded with a number of web hosting providers competing for new clients. Choosing this theme, you'll be able to stand out and persuade people that you are the web hosting company they need, that working with you they will be provided with all necessary supplies and services to run a successful website. Its black and white color scheme with apple-green fields radiates confidence and creates sensation of optimism and durability. Since hosting solutions are limited to four categories and the full range of your services can be accessed from the home page, people will appreciate how fast and easy it's to shop with you. Given that a professional online hosting store design should include nothing but essentials, this theme would be the perfect choice to give people what they need.
Technical Details
Magento-compatibility |
1.9.2.x |
Magento-engine | |

Type |
Magento Themes |
Author |
WT |
Package |
Magento Theme Modify Version |
Additional Features |
Back To Top Button, Categories Accordion, Cloud Zoom, Commenting System, Crossbrowser Compatibility, Custom Page Templates, Drop Down Cart, Dropdown Menu, Favicon, Google map, Google Web Fonts, Sample content, Sliced PSD, Social Options, Tooltips |
Animation |
HTML plus JS |
Categories View |
Grid, List |
Coding |
CSS 3, HTML 5, JQuery, Semantic Code, Valid Coding |
Currencies |
Demo No Index |
AR, CS, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, NL, PL, PT, RU, SV, TR, UK, ZH |
Features |
Admin Panel, Responsive, Search Engine Friendly |
Functionality |
Online Store/Shop |
Gallery Script |
Accordion, Carousel, Slider |
Kind of shops |
The template will perfectly fit hosting, internet, communications, software, and security sites. |
Language support |
English, German, Russian, Spanish |
Lastmod |
2018-08-12T00:02:01-04:00 |
Layout |
2 columns |
Magento Extensions |
Cloud Zoom, Social Icons |
Media |
Video Integration |
Topic |
Computers & Internet, Hosting Templates |
Web Forms |
Advanced Search, Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration |
Width |
1920px |
Installation |
Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder). |
Sources Available
CSS PHTML PSD XMLSoftware Required
Adobe Photoshop CS+
For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
Magento community edition 1.9.x
Our magento themes are designed to be used with clean install without sample data that is provided with the default theme.
Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor
Magento is a widely popular eCommerce solution both for huge and small online stores. The popularity of Magento is due to alot of factors, such as the variety of add-ons and features it offers and the templates system it supports. Our Magento themes come for every niche you can imagine and then some! Created by professionals these online store templates are truly responsive and fashionably modern.